Myths about Indian Foods: Busted

If I ask you to describe the Indian foods in just one word then what will be the first word that will come to your mind? Is it hot, spicy, oily, rich, fatty, or bad for you? Well, 95% of the people would answer this only. There are many misconceptions associated with Indian foods that are totally myth. Here in this article we will be discussing all the misconceptions related to Indian food that are busted. We will debunk these myths and let you know what makes Indian foods totally amazing. All Spicy There is no doubt that Indian cuisines are worldwide famous for its use of variety of spices used in the foods. You can have infinite varieties of spicy foods in India but, there is no such thing like all Indian dishes are spicy. There are multiple variations of every dish you could imagine. We use variety of ingredients such as onion, garlic, ginger, chilies, and dry spices in a certain amount, which can all be adjusted to an individual’s palate. Yes, I agree that there are pl...